“Traditional Gap” in the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Kosovo
by Mushfig Mammadov
On February 17, 2008 Kosovo, hitherto the internationally recognized territory of Serbia, unilaterally declared its independence. Three of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (the USA, UK and France) immediately recognized the independence of Kosovo, while the other two, Russia and China, sharply criticized Kosovo’s step and have thus far refused to recognize Kosovo as an independent state….. read more
Research Papers
Peace-Building from the Bottom: A Case Study of the North Caucasus
by Huseyn Aliyev
EU and Turkish Neighborhood Policies: Common Goals
by Çiğdem Üstün
Now Who Answers the Phone in Europe? Cooperation within the CFSP after the Enlargements and the Lisbon Treaty
by Nelli Babayan
Social Capital Development in Multiethnic Crimea: Global, Regional and Local Constraints and Opportunities
by Milana V. Nikolko and David B. Carment
EU Democracy Promotion through Conditionality in its Neighbourhood: The Temptation of Membership Perspective or Flexible Integration?
by Janine Reinhard
EU Engagement in Conflict Resolution in Georgia: Towards a More Proactive Role
by Mehmet Bardakçı
Religion and its Importance in International Politics: A Case Study of 2008 Russian-Georgian War
by Ines-Jacqueline Werkner
From Racketeer to Emir: A Political Portrait of Doku Umarov, Russia’s Most Wanted Man
by Kevin Daniel Leahy
The Crisis of Gazprom as the Crisis of Russia’s “Energy Super-State” Policy towards Europe and the Former Soviet Union
by Andrey Kazantsev
Eurasian Bargaining, Agriculture, and the Doha Round
by Sarita D. Jackson
Was Kosovo’s Split-off Legitimate? Background, Meaning and Implications of the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion
by Heiko Krueger
Ukraine: A Challenge for U.S., EU & NATO Regional Policy
by Tamerlan Vahabov
“Major Foreign Intervention in Kyrgyzstan would Prompt a Rush to Nationalism by Even the Most Moderate Figures”
Interview with Dr. John Heathershaw, University of Exeter, UK
“It’s in Georgia’s interest to be friendly with Russia”
Interview with Dr. Alexander Rondeli, President of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
“Russia Puts Comparatively Little Effort into Using Soft Power in the South Caucasus”
Interview with Dr. Timothy Blauvelt, Country Director in Georgia for American Councils for International Education